Thursday, July 1, 2010

Thing # 9

I use Google Blog search. I don’t know if it is the easiest or not, but I am able to find things that interest me. I have a Bloglines account, but was unable to access the search function. The Edublog Award Winner’s site is a great place to reap the benefits of other’s time in finding the best stuff and I have used this in the past. In regard to looking at the offerings that were new, from what I could tell from references to SuperGlu, it seems very helpful, but I was unable to get any of the links for it to open. I didn’t like the look or functionality of Topix, and the same for Syndic8. Technorati would be my choice if I was choosing something new from these, but I’m not. The reason is that the device or platform that one uses to find feeds cannot provide the time to read and therefore benefit from that voluminous amount of information.
• Which was more confusing? Syndic8 and Topix.
• What kind of useful feeds did you find in your travels? Or what kind of unusual ones did you find?
From the YALSA site, I stumbled upon Tame the Web which appears to be current and forward thinking. The concept of “travels” is interesting for the purposes of this “Things” endeavor. Yes, I am learning a lot, and yes, I have traveled freely and discovered Many interesting tools and services….but, I get to drink coffee and play around and wander from about 6:00 am to 10:00 am without duty or interruption. When school starts this ability will cease. Which brings me to the realization that all these devices to “find” the musings of interesting folks on fascinating topics, begs the question: What are you going to do with it? I am thinking that it is better to find a few folks who’s opinions and philosophy you “trust” and wander with them…..just saying…
For what I have found that is interesting…please see the Fruits of My Summer 2010 Wanderings

1 comment:

  1. Ah yess..the time...I can do so much over summer...but once the year begins...when do you have time to explore and play?>?
